National Eat Dessert First Month Challenge Days 6 and 7: Root Beer Floats, and Raspberries & Cream!

I missed Day 6, which was National Root Beer Float Day, because I forgot that we didn’t have a Day 6 entry. Oops.

Quick remedy? Here are some ways you can celebrate (belatedly) this decadent holiday!

THE CLASSIC: Root beer, your choice of ice cream.

THE SHIRLEY TEMPLE SODA FLOAT: Strawberry or cherry soda, vanilla ice cream, and a cherry on top.

THE CAFFEINE CRUNCHER: Coke, mocha almond fudge ice cream, and a square of dark cacao chocolate.

THE GOLD MINER: Sprite, butter pecan or caramel ice cream, pralines or caramel candy

THE CALIFORNIA CRUSH: Orange soda, orange sherbert and … Read more

Creamy Homemade Cookie Butter

So I have a fun news update and a confession.

News: I got a brand spankin’ new mini food processor as an early birthday present that I’m over the moon in love with.

Confession: I’m kind of scared of it. Like, kind of really scared.

Apparently only 50 to 70 people get  wounded in shark attacks every year.

Meanwhile, with a food processor, you have a mean, angry blade sitting in front of you. It’s got that machine drive, literally. All that separates you from that whirring 100 rpm blade is a thin sheet of plastic that you’re betting big … Read more

National Eat Dessert First Month Challenge Day 5: Ice Cream Sundae

It’s the fifth day of National Eat Dessert First! Month, an entire 31 days dedicated to a different themed dessert but, more importantly, getting those desserts onto our plates and palates! Each day will feature a new guest chef’s photos and recipes for each theme. If you’re interested in joining in for a dessert-tastic month, read the details at the Dessert Month Challenge post. It’s never too late to start!

Our wonderful Day 5 entry features a mouth-watering, refreshing ice cream sundae from Alicia (a.k.a. karasumaa). Doesn’t it look fantastic? Leave a thought!

THEMED ENTRY #5: ICE Read more

National Eat Dessert First Month Challenge Day 4: National Chocolate Chip Day

It’s the third day of National Eat Dessert First! Month, an entire 31 days dedicated to a different themed dessert but, more importantly, getting those desserts onto our plates and palates! Each day will feature a new guest chef’s photos and recipes for each theme. If you’re interested in joining in for a dessert-tastic month, read the details at the Dessert Month Challenge post. It’s never too late to start!

Our delectable Day 4 entry features mavinmaverick, who has whipped up an absolutely fantastic and classic banana chocolate chip bread recipe in honor of this staple ingredient’s day.Read more

National Eat Dessert First Month Challenge Day 3: National Watermelon Day

Have you had your watermelon today? No? Well, what are you waiting for? Go out and get some, because it’s national watermelon day! And it’s probably one of the only guilt-free desserts you’re going to be getting this month, so better make the most of it. I subscribe heavily to the “negation effect theory”–according to this theory, even if you eat a 5-pound cheesecake with caramel and hot fudge topping, as long as you eat a 5-pound watermelon…cheesecake negated!

If only that’s how it worked.

It’s the third day of National Eat Dessert First! Month, an entire 31 days dedicated Read more

Frozen Treats Galore! Cookie Butter Chunk ‘n Swirl Cinnamon Ice Cream, Coffee Dark Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream, and Ice Cream Sammy Bon Bons (A.k.a. National Eat Dessert First Month Day 2 Theme Post)

If you’ve ever heard a holiday song–and I’m talking winter holidays here–blaring from some sacrilegious corner of the bus in the middle of August, chances are that one of your eyebrows will quirk up. You’ll probably roll your eyes as you try to ignore the strains of “Last Christmas” wafting in on the public transportation air behind you. After two choruses and a bridge, when the song reaches that really annoying part where the singers are warbling the title over and over again with as much grace as a shrieking fence-posted cat, you’ll most likely sigh really loud to let … Read more

National Eat Dessert First Month Challenge Day 1: Raspberry Cream Pie

On the first day of August, my bakers gave to me…

Two really stellar entries! Like, really stellar.

That’s right, folks–we’re kicking off the first day of National Eat Dessert First! Month, an entire 31 days dedicated to a different themed dessert but, more importantly, getting those desserts onto our plates and palates! Each day will feature a new guest chef’s photos and recipes for each theme. If you’re interested in joining in for a dessert-tastic month, read the details at the Dessert Month Challenge post. It’s never too late to start!

National Eat Dessert First Month Challenge Day Read more

Gooey Cookie Butter Funfetti Mash-Up Bars

I love sprinkles. Sometimes I love sprinkles so darn much, I think it might be an addiction. You know, like something might be wrong with me that can be actually diagnosed by one of those white-coated people carrying around apples and their (too-)high-minded(-for-Ala) intelligence who look at you through their sleek prescription lenses. One of my med student friends told me that half or more in the profession wear fake glasses because it makes you look like you know what you’re doing even when you don’t–and apparently, the “don’t” part is a pretty frequent thing, especially for new residents. My … Read more

Won’t Stop Snackin’ White Chocolate Snack Mix

Do you ever:

1) Need a snack for on the go?

2) Want to be known as that parent who packs the best school lunches, and whose child every other kid asks to swap snacks with?

3) Run out of time?

4) Crave a delicious dessert that takes less than 10 minutes, start to finish?

5) Care about somebody and want to show them? Seriously. Like, ever?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions…well then, my friend, this snack mix is for you!

“Can’t stop, won’t stop,” is one of my friend’s favorite mottoes–but once you try even … Read more

Did You Know? August is National Eat Dessert First Month!

…And I’m hosting a theme challenge in honor of it!

So in America, we apparently have something called “National Eat Dessert First” month. These are the 31 blissful days during the year when the sugar on all the grocery store shelves suddenly vanish and national happiness levels skyrocket. Each day in August has a different themed dessert–the month kicks off with national raspberry cream pie day, followed by national ice cream day, and so on and so forth. Are we seeing a completely delicious, delectable idea brewing here? I hope so!

My idea is to muster up as many forces … Read more