Classic Spiced Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

I am sorely tempted to write about one of the most wonderful, exciting days of my life, which happened just two days ago–but that will have to wait for my Tuesday post (mostly because it’s going to take a lot more pictures and I’m dead on my feet from this 4-day conference).

Instead, I’m writing a short piece about the perks of meeting cute people in random places under crazy bizarre circumstances. Yes, I’m meeting cute boys and getting their numbers all over the place these days. Cat got yer attention yet?

Classic Spiced Oatmeal Raisin Cookies 8--061814

Over the past few months, armed with a … Read more

Friday Wallflavourites: Edition 8

It took me a while to realize that my server has been wonky and hasn’t been posting my scheduled posts on time. GAH #facepalm. So that’s why I missed last week’s Friday Wallflavourites and another post (but it’s been a crazy sort of week, so I’m not surprised I didn’t even notice). I’m including a few features from last week to make up for that 🙂

For daily updates about my favorite recipes and bloggers each week, follow me on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and Pinterest. If it’s your first time here–welcome, I love meeting new faces! Read more

Simple Vanilla Cupcakes with Chocolate Buttercream Frosting

Abstract: To show how my dad–through his humbly-led life and unwavering, silent support of all we do–has kept my faith in family, dreams, and life alive. This one is for my dad: my biggest, silent fan.

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For the record: I wanted this to be a super elaborate, praise-to-the-heavens post to celebrate Father’s Day, much like I did with my Mother’s Day Post last month. However, my dad (summed up in 3 words) is a real practical man and dislikes reading anything that is longer than a page. So here’s me suppressing all my natural instincts and writing to the point … Read more

Salty and Sweet Compost Cookies–And Defining My Self-Worth

How do you define your self-worth?

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This post has been waiting to be written and published for nearly three years now.

A few weeks ago, I grabbed lunch with a friend at one of my favorite vegan restaurants. We had a great talk, as usual–about our lives, about our romances, about our attitudes toward life more broadly. About halfway through our lunch, though, my friend said something that stopped my breath short and almost made me drop my fork straight into a bed of dressing-drenched iceberg lettuce.

“When I look in the mirror these days,” she said, with a radiant … Read more

Friday Wallflavourites: Edition 7

Holy Geez and Louise: it’s June. Wait, what?

Have some Friday drooling. Please. It’s the only way I’m going to forget that I have like zero time to finish prepping for my upcoming conference. Ugh. I do, however, have a really important post coming on Sunday, so please stay tuned for it.

For daily updates about my favorite recipes and bloggers each week, follow me on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and Pinterest. If it’s your first time here–welcome, I love meeting new faces! I hope you poke around my blog to see more fun features and lively Read more

Two-Toned Red Velvet & Chocolate Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting

As I’ve grown older and the weary years have coated my hunched back like a film of unwanted snail slime, I’ve come to the wary conclusion that there are two sides of me: the one that you know, and the one that you wouldn’t want to know for all the holy flying bats in the world–though what you would want to do with a colony of holy flying bats, I haven’t the faintest idea. You tell me.

Two-Toned Red Velvet Chocolate Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting 5--051614

Of course, unless you’re my mom and have witnessed the stormy tantrums I still throw all the time used to throw as a … Read more

Friday Wallflavourites: Edition 6

Wait, it’s the last week of May–somebody tell me how that happened?!

At least it’s Friday, and you know what that means: more Friday Wallflavourites! For daily updates about my favorite recipes and bloggers each week, follow me on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and Pinterest. If it’s your first time here–welcome, I love meeting new faces! I hope you poke around my blog to see more fun features and lively recipes.

I don’t know about you, but I can always use an amazing appetizer in my life that doesn’t involve the word blah. So here comes … Read more

Guest Post from Gotta Get Baked: Brown Sugar Turtles Cookies

I’m so excited to introduce today’s fantabulously fierce guest blogger today, Nancy from Gotta Get Baked!

Have you guys met Nancy? I can’t believe it’s been a scant 2 months since I first found her amazing, witty, stitch-in-my-side-hilarious blog, but after we had dinner in Vancouver two months ago we both became quickly convinced of our past-life status as clones. With me as the slightly less brilliant and profound clone.

You’ll see what I mean when you read the following guest post–I relished every word of her crisp, clear writing voice, and she’s humorous to boot. So without Read more

Biscoff Meringue Ice Cream (No Ice Cream Maker, No Sweetened Condensed Milk, No Banana)

I know many of you may be relatively new readers at Wallflour Girl. If so, welcome back! I’ve had the opportunity to meet and chat back & forth these past weeks with so many amazing bloggers like Karen, Allison, Courtney, Matt, Monet, Rachel, and Zainab, who are all gems (you need to check out their blogs now, pronto!). Meeting new faces and writing voices is possibly my favorite part of being a desserts blogger, so please stay to say hi because I’d love to meet (or simply hear from) you!

But let’s be … Read more

Friday Wallflavourites: Edition 5

Whoo, we made it–happy Friday, folks! Welcome to week 5 of my Friday Wallflavourites, starring some of the most awesome recipes from around the blogosphere this week! Follow me on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and Pinterest for daily updates about what’s on my favorite recipes radar. If it’s your first time here–welcome, I love meeting new faces! I hope you poke around my blog to see more fun features and lively recipes.

It’s Friday, so naturally we need to get the glasses out. Pour me a tall order of this Rhubarb, Grapefruit, and Thyme Cocktail via Top … Read more