Friday Wallflavourites: Edition 11

I’ve decided that I have more to say and share when I update my Wallflavourites biweekly rather than weekly–and I’m nothing if not flexible, so here’s a biweekly edition of Friday Wallflavourites! Hallooooo, happy Friday!

This has been an amazing week–especially with my very first #SundaySupper. You can read about and meet the lovely SS folk in this blog post! AND it was my 2nd blogiversary, which I missed–what what?

For daily updates about my favorite recipes and bloggers each week, follow me on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and Pinterest. If it’s your first time Read more

Guest Post from Jessiker Bakes: Healthier Lemon Blueberry Scones with Lemon Cream Cheese Glaze

So about three weeks ago I reached out to the inestimable Jessica from Jessiker Bakes about doing a guest post for me because I was going a little cray-cray with my personal life. Two weeks later, I click through my blog feed and read this post and immediately start shrieking at my computer, “Oh my gosh, girl, CONGRATS. AHHHH!!!” (For those of you who didn’t click through the link: yes, Jessica is ENGAGED!)

So that’s the sort of relationship I have with her blog. Unparalleled and borderline hysterical adoration.

I’m so lucky to bring her over today to post for Read more

Gochujang Peanut Asian-Style Pasta for #SundaySupper

It’s my first post as part of the Sunday Supper family! If you are stopping by because you’re a #SundaySupper member, be warned: I MIGHT  LOVE YOU ALREADY.

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Remember how I told you guys about my Smile a Day wall over on my good friend Nancy’s blog? Well, this group most certainly qualifies for an entire Smile-A-Day wall of its own–I hadn’t even officially scheduled my first post and last Wednesday I received this outpouring of #SundaySupper love:



They’re like the children’s lit scholars of the academic world: bubbly, personable, excited about what they do, and thrilled to … Read more

A 2nd Blogiversary Post & A Huge Wallflour Girl Thank You

Raise your hand if you completely missed your two-year blogiversary and didn’t even notice. Anybody? Nobody?

Oh. Oh.


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Not that I had anything crazy awesome-killer-fantastimazing up my sleeve with which to wow y’all anyway (do I ever?), but it would’ve been nice to celebrate my blogiversary properly on July 7th. As things go these busy days, however, I resent that it’s mid-July without my knowing how it came to be that way already. If America was really the democratically-premised republic it claims to be, we’d all vote for it to be early June again and that’d be that. None … Read more

Guest Post from Neighbor Food: S’more Cake Pops

It’s only Tuesday, but T.G.I.C.: Thank goodness it’s Courtney from Neighbor Food!

This girl is a lifesend and a lifesaver, period. It has been nearly one–count it, one–full month since I’ve last had a chance to bake. Cue brief flickers of bloggy unease, followed by a 9.6-magnitude shock of panic, immediately assuaged by the soothing tones of Courtney’s calm, smiling (I imagine) assurance that she could write this guest post for me.

You’ll see why I love her, her blog, her recipes, and just everything about her so much once you read on! Plus, since I haven’t had … Read more

Friday Wallflavourites: Edition 10

I missed out on last Friday again…guess I got caught up in the July 4th festivities, whoops! The good news: I’ve got double the Friday Wallflavourites this week to make up for the post-4th weekend, which should be just as epic in every way.

For daily updates about my favorite recipes and bloggers each week, follow me on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and Pinterest. If it’s your first time here–welcome, I love meeting new faces! I hope you poke around my blog to see more fun features and lively recipes.

What better way to retroactively celebrate July … Read more

Guest Post from Blahnik Baker: Hazelnut Macarons with Chocolate Ganache

Folks, I haven’t felt this excited since I heard that these brand spankin’ new episodes of Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon would be hitting the screen after nearly a decade of muffled silence. I told Zainab I’ve been crazy busy lately doing Grown-Up World things–like maniacally hurling homemade spiky shells at my fellow street-sharers on a FIVE-hour commute–but really I’d rather just lock myself in my dust-infested closet with my laptop and gorge on unhealthy amounts of Sailor Moon.

And maybe try like the moron I am to eat the pixels right off these gorgeous macaron photos Zainab sent me.

Have Read more

Hot Fudge Chocolate Brownie with a Killer Choco Frosting (V, GF, Raw, No Added Sugar)–And the Importance of Meeting Strangers

My earliest memory of talking to a stranger goes back to Ala at age 6, standing in a ballet class, chatting happily and obliviously in her pink tutu to one of the nice ladies sitting near the side of the room.

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“My mom told me not to talk to strangers,” I confidentially informed the lady, whom I remember now as friendly-faced and quite tall. “I’m Ala,” I continued, holding out my hand and solemnly shaking her, which was proffered with a smile. Then I added, just in case she didn’t understand, “Now we aren’t strangers anymore.”

And then I went … Read more

Orange Raspberry Muffins–And one kooky Children’s Literature Conference!

I get questions all the time from readers about what I do as a children’s literature researcher in an English PhD program, so today I’m taking the opportunity to tell you all a bit more about my lovely, non-blogging job!

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I spent last weekend at my first ever Children’s Literature Association conference in South Carolina. And excuse my language when I say lordie oh lord: after five amazing days with this bunch of nonsensical ninnies and silly scholars, I am unofficially allowing ChLA and all its wonderful members to adopt me. These people are like human versions of … Read more

Friday Wallflavourites: Edition 9

Hello hello! Another week come and gone–but thank goodness it’s Friday, eh? And you know what that means–some favorites from around the web this week, for y’all!

For daily updates about my favorite recipes and bloggers each week, follow me on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and Pinterest. If it’s your first time here–welcome, I love meeting new faces! I hope you poke around my blog to see more fun features and lively recipes.

It’s summer at last, which has got me excited about one of the freshest salads I’ve seen so far: this Summer Chickpea Salad with Read more