Raw Salted Chocolate Chip Oat Healthy Bars for #SundaySupper

I dare you to tell me this is “just another healthy oat bar” recipe. I triple dog dare you, and if you lose, I will bite the head off a hapless gingerbread man (is it almost that time of the year already? Sigh).

Raw Salted Chocolate Oat Healthy Bars with Dates and Coconut 2--100414

Apart from the mumbled ooh’s and aah’s these bars received when I brought them to my friends’ houses, this healthy snack alternative just knocked my socks off. I was messing around with the food processor last week because it’s been a solid 98 degrees all week here. Living in perpetual beautiful summertime may not sound like a … Read more

Friday Wallflavourites: Edition 16

I have some CRAZY good recipes for you guys this week, possibly one of my favorite round-ups so far–hecka hallelujah! And erm, yeah it’s technically not Friday yet–I guess I got a bit over-zealous because they’re so good hahaha. Happy Thursday!

Cynthia from Two Red Bowls posted this Vegan Bangkok Peanut Ice Cream weeks ago but I have not stopped dreaming about it since. Seriously. This might be my favorite ice cream recipe this year, and I’ve been sharing it on Facebook and everywhere since. Thank you for sharing, gal! Yer amazin’.

vegan bangkok peanut ice cream

I actually fell out of my seat when … Read more

Wallflour Girl: New and Improved!

Being the highly observant person you are, I’m sure this fact doesn’t need declaring, but I’ll declare it anyway…

The new and spectacularly improved Wallflour Girl is up!




For the past three weeks or so, I have been agonizing about this moment. What if the site disintegrated into a sorry pile of turd because I got halfway done with re-coding and realized, dang, I haven’t a Blue’s clue what I’m doing?

Well, the moment has arrived, and no hardcore programmers’ guild has spontaneously combusted into flames. Yet. And I’ve still got a fully-functioning new site to boot!

After … Read more

Healthy Salted Caramel Apple Bars for #studentbloggers

Healthy Salted Caramel Apple Pie Bars 1--092814

Thanks so much to everyone who has joined us for this #studentbloggers series. This is our final installment (for now, at least) as the school year revs into gear. See you guys on the other side, and don’t forget to check out all these incredibly TALENTED bloggers who have participated!

Grad Undergrad Student Bloggers Icon Small

(See our interviews from Week 1 and Week 2.)

QUESTION 1. Let’s be honest: how much time do you spend on schoolwork/research vs. the blog?

Ala: I treat school like a full-time job…and it is one! I still spend a good chunk of time every night blogging though … Read more

Flourless Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies for #oxogoodcookies

Today we’re going to play a game of Mind Meld. Question: “What three associations to mind when I say the word, “Oregon’?”

Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies 3--092514

Got your answer ready? Good, let’s compare…Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies 4--092514

If you’d asked me this question 10 days ago, my answers would have been something like:

  • Oregon Trail. I mean, let’s be real here–who didn’t think of Oregon Trail lickety-split? Who among us can forget (am I dating myself?) that wonderfully pixelated covered wagon trundling along a two-dimensional river; your passengers dying of dysentery because you decided the “Rest for a while” option was for chumps; and the tiny box
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Friday Wallflavourites on Sunday: Edition 15

Happy Friday er, Sunday, y’all–whoops! I’m a little late this week but thought you’d all like to see what delicious stuff the bloggers have been rolling in for you these past two weeks–so here’s Friday Wallflavourites…on a Sunday!

In what may be the most tempting breakfast/dessert I have seen in months, this Apple Fritter Waffle via Completely Delicious looks THE BEST. Because I love me some apple fritter alwaaaaaays.

Apple Fritter Waffle Doughnuts from completelydelicious.com

If you read this blog at all, you know how much I adore Averie! This time though, she has really outdone herself with these Triple Chocolate Brownie Batter Cookies–I … Read more

Mud Hen Bars

Dirty poultry desserts. Say what?

Mud Hen Bars 5--091114

Okay, so that’s not what “mud hen” really means, but I swear I was on the right track when I first heard the term “mud hen bars” two blissful months ago and tried my hand at creating my own!

Let me break this down for you and blow your soon-to-be-enlightened mind…

Mud Hen Bars 2--091114

Brown sugar meringue top. Yes, this is actually a thing. It is so much a thing, in fact, that these bars might just explode in the face of its ultimate thingy-ness. Crackle, meringue, yum!

Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie Base. Possibly my favorite kind of … Read more

Healthy Tropical Bars (Raw, GF, Vegan) for #gradstudentbloggers

Your grad/undergrad student bloggers are back this week! Our mission: creating awesome recipes for the On-the-Go Student!

Grad Undergrad Student Bloggers Icon Small

Joining us this week: Bec from Daisy and the Fox, Nicole from PicNic, Shelley from Bacon Egg Cheese(cake), and Uru from Go Bake Yourself! (Zainab from Blahnik Baker is off doing crazy epic grad student things this week, but we’ve included her interview anyway.) Don’t forget to check out these lovely ladies’ blogs. (Want to learn more about these fabulous bloggers? Read Week 1’s interview here!)

But first, we asked our super multi-talented bloggers a few fun … Read more

Pumpkin Pie Layer Cheesecake Bars for #SundaySupper

There’s something I’m determined to have before autumn hits this city a la Godzilla…

Pumpkin Pie Layer Cheesecake Bars 2--090514


Of course, posting my first pumpkin recipe of the year implies, by tacit contract, that I acknowledge the arrival of fall. Don’t be deceived. It is not fall until I say it is….or until I stop eating double-scoop chocolate-dipped waffle cones of cookie dough / caramel swirl ice cream by the pound from Disneyland.

So basically, summer here will last ferrreverrrr.

Pumpkin Pie Layer Cheesecake Bars 5--090514

Since we aren’t visited by that weird quarterly occurrence some regions of the world know as “seasons,” there’s … Read more

Friday Wallflavourites: Edition 14

 This week, I’m starting with a very special feature from our #gradstudentbloggers and #undergradstudentbloggers round-up! Missed it? Check out all the fantastic recipes and our wacky student blogger interview #1 HERE.

1. Meet Shelley from her wonderful blog, Bacon Egg Cheese(cake). I love this girl SO MUCH, and she is such a talented grad student blogger–and she brought every grad student’s dream to our round-up party: pizza!  Brussel Sprouts and Sausage Pizza, to be exact. Check out her blog now!

Nicole from PicNic is a grad student wonderwoman with a wonderful sense of taste. I went weak … Read more