10 Failproof Ways to Tell If You’ve Met Me in Real Life

You’re speeding down the dried fruits and nuts aisle with a shopping basket in one hand, a bag of oversized tortilla chips in the other, and a bawling five-year old hanging off your arm. You just whip round the pumpkin tower display near the front when your heels skid to a halt. You backtrack, slowly. You squint your eyes down the yogurt aisle, paying no attention to the increasingly hysterical wails coming from that wonderful $500,000 investment called Your Kid.

It isn’t. It couldn’t be. Or is it? Is that…Ala?

If you’re a normal sociable human being, which … Read more

Friday Wallflavourites: Edition 18

I’ve been saving up four weeks’ worth of blog goodies for you guys (because I erm, sort of missed the last installment, oops)…so you’d better bet you’re going to love what I’ve rounded up for you all today!

APPLE FRITTER PIE. WAIT I KNOW RIGHT. I could seriously eat apple fritters for the rest of my life (or at least for every day of it).  The Domestic Rebel is a GENIUS.


I can’t wait to make this a holiday staple. I’ve always wanted to make a Pumpkin Cream Cheese Roll like this delicious one via Neighbor Food!

This fluffy Pumpkin Cream Cheese Roll is a staple on our Thanksgiving menu!

I’ve never … Read more

Deep-Dish Tiramisu Pie with Coffee Crunch Crumble

Tiramisu Deep-Dish Pie with Coffee Crunch Crumble 1--111114

Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy…

But here’s my pie–follow me maybe?

Tiramisu Deep-Dish Pie with Coffee Crunch Crumble 5--111114 copy

I love food festivals for many many good reasons, the best of which are 1) food, 2) eating, and 3) more food. In close fourth comes the company: there’s something oddly liberating about connecting with new people through the miracle of face-stuffing, ith delicious globs of cream dribbling down the side of your face as you and the stranger standing next to you rave over the ah-MAY-zing pie you both just tried.

Do you love coffee too? you ask. Cream pies are the best, right?Read more

The Best Blondies for #SundaySupper

Quick Etsy shop announcement: this month’s new featured item is my Coconut Rum White Chocolate Blondie: perfect for pre-holiday season gifting! If you’re looking for other thoughtful gifts, you can browse my whole selection and learn more about the shop’s history here!

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It’s clear what kind of a spinster I will be: not an old batty cat lady (I’m allergic to cats), but a decrepit little woman who bakes Coconut Rum Blondies at 4 AM after finishing a terrible Ginnifer Goodwin rom-com alone on my couch.

On the bright side, there are worse things. For example, I could … Read more

1-Minute Coconut Granola for Two (No-Bake)

Okay, so deal: why am I baking making granola for two when I’m only one?

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No, I’m not preggers, you sick Sherlocks, I know who you are and this isn’t a British teledrama episode called The Sign of Three.1-minute Coconut Granola 4--102614It’s the start of a new swim season around these parts, where outdoor pools reign supreme and the scent of chlorine wafts off my saturated skin in noxious waves. Our greatest fear is that winter is coming and heaven forbid the temperature drops below a chilly 68 degrees at night.

So naturally, I’m following Manatee Survival Rule #1 and storing … Read more

The Writing Process Blog Tour on #wallflourgirl

Writing Process Blog Tour 1Okay. So this isn’t a chocolate post. This isn’t a cookie post, and I’m sorry for that. This isn’t even a no-bake vegan salted chocolate chunk oat bars made from heaven post, though my hand is crammed into a bowl of them as I type.

This is a writing post and I am dancing a little jig around my computer because I love lurve love talking about writing. It may be one of my favorite things in the world after eating peanut butter from the jar with a spoon while binge watching Sailor Moon episodes like I’ve been doing for Read more

Rocky Road Brownies for #SundaySupper

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These brownies aren’t the only crazy thing happening around here this week, though they are insanely fudgy and I made boxes of these for friends who loved them and I’m selling them online here so if you want them without so much as stepping a toe into your kitchen, I can make that happen now.

Crazy? I love crazy.

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Just about 45 minutes ago, I got off an epic long late-night phone call (yes, it’s 3 AM and I manually pressed the Publish button on this post) with my friend. I’ve been prone to lots of anxiety and high-stress nights … Read more

Friday Wallflavourites: Edition 17

Congrats to Carolsue, who won this week’s Etsy sampler box giveaway to celebrate my brand new Etsy bake shop–the oven has been running non-stop all this week and I can’t wait to add your box to the queue. Thank you all for your support, especially the  INCREDIBLE bloggers who have helped me spread the word!

Etsy Shop Screenshot 2

If you missed the giveaway, no problem: you can still order directly at my shop. Okay, that’s all for shameless plugging (er, for now). On to this week’s blogosphere favs!

Kathi from Deliciously Yum always gets me with her fab desserts. Always. I … Read more

Inverted Graham Cracker Cheesecake Bars

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As students trundle to their first classes of the quarter, laden with heavy backpacks filled with books they will probably never finish, for classes they will soon find no time to attend;

as school swings back into high gear with the sound of familiar chimes ringing from the campus bell tower, tolling its stolen set of pipes recorded from another university tower;

as I lug my brick of a laptop to my office under the unnaturally blazing October sun, I think vaguely to myself that if I chance to encounter a mad Sasquatch on my unlikely path to school, at Read more

A BIG Announcement: My Etsy Shop Launch + Giveaway! #WGshop

For a while, this announcement was a fat secret, which obviously means it’s not secret since I have been leaking you little hints on Instagram and Twitter and over here about this moment for weeks now (subtle, right? right). This is probably one of the most thrilling, nervous, weirdly satisfying moments of my meaningful adult life since I started blogging, so I’ll just say it:


Etsy-Store-Logo open now

Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy: but here’s my Etsy…so order maybe? 😉


Etsy Shop Screenshot 1

What is the Wallflour Girl Etsy

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