Friday Wallflavourites: Edition 20

{Note: I’m busy in the kitchen these days taking holiday orders from my Etsy bake shop! If you still need holiday gift ideas, order up–ship straight to your home or a friend’s!}

Gingerbread cake is seriously one of the best reasons that the holidays even exist. Take that, and revamp it into a Gingerbread Layer Cake with Salted Whiskey Caramel  like the awesome Izy from Top with Cinnamon did, and you can wave a merry goodbye to all self-restraint.

Gingerbread Layer Cake with Salted Whiskey Caramel

Did I mention that I love gingerbread cakes? For an easy one-bowl fix-all, I’m going to try this Gingerbread Apple Read more

Thick, Puffy Ginger Molasses Sugar Cookies

{a year in Facebook statuses} 

Every once in a while, I stop spamming my feed with #bakerproblems and share something meaningful. Today I’m spreading the holiday joy with these warm, puffy, thick, ginger molasses sugar cookies and a glimpse back at where this year has taken us…

Ginger Molasses Cookies 2--121714


Sitting at Starbucks, I bought a large coffee for a homeless man who was asking for any type of help people could give. As I continued working, I watched him, fascinated, as he limped around outside, cup out but constantly in motion. Then I realized that he was taking napkins and wiping Read more

Caramelized Banana Upside-Down Rum Cake for #SundaySupper

Caramelized Banana Upside-Down Rum Cake 10--121414


Last Thursday, apparently I lost my wallet. I did not know I lost my wallet. In fact, if I hadn’t received the email from the police department the following afternoon, I probably would not have noticed until I was late for an important meeting and could not find my wallet anywhere. 

But I did not know. So the email was all like, Surprise! We gotz yer wallet! Come an’ get it. Humdiddlydum, Police Guys. 

And I was all: ……….Oh.

Caramelized Banana Upside-Down Rum Cake 2--121414

So after somehow muddling on my boots and feeling pretty nervous, I mucked down to … Read more

Mini Peanut Butter Jelly Parfaits {+ My Bakers Box Giveaway!}

PBJ Mini Parfaits 1--121214

What is your resting face? Do you wear a worried frown or a mild smile or a cheeky grin or–dare I say it–the classic resting bitch face? (No offense meant–some people just have it! And if you’re one of them, it’s totally okay. Seriously.)

Baker's Box 7--121214

I ask because I like to play something called the Resting Face Game when I’m walking around the town, traveling, en route, etc. It’s the sort of zany social/mind game only somebody like me would play, but the goal is simple: break as many “resting faces” as possible. Is someone frowning? Make them smile! Is that … Read more

Strawberry Smoothie Cubes {+ 3 Ways to Enjoy Them} for @WilliamsSonoma Smoothie Week

Strawberry Smoothie Cubes 11--120814

Winter is coming!

Here in California, we’ve been saying this for about 11 months now, and winter still has not come. I don’t think it has visited our neck of the woods since about the Ice Age, and even then I suspect it let us off easy.

Strawberry Smoothie Cubes 12--120814

This is lucky because my running shoes have been pounding the pavement quite a bit lately. Yesterday, I did a(n excruciatingly mellow) 13-mile run through Beverly Hills, jogging through posh Museum Row, the highly upscale Rodeo Drive, and making a pit stop at my favorite Harry Potter and Dr. Who-themed store, Whimsic AlleyRead more

Friday Wallflavourites: Edition 19

Congrats to Abby, who won last week’s Peanut Butter & Co. giveaway! We can’t wait to send you your delicious peanut butter!

This Cranberry Cinnamon Roll French Toast via Deliciously Yum just about rocks my world! I don’t know about you guys, but I think I’ve got a tiny bit of room left in my yoga pants to accommodate this… cranberry-cinnamon-roll-french-toast

Thanksgiving leftovers are never in short supply, so why not put that cauliflower to good use with this Cranberry Balsamic Cauliflower Wings recipe via Cupcakes and Kale Chips?

Cranberry Balsamic Glazed Cauliflower Wings are a sweet, savory, sticky appetizer or side dish that everyone from vegans to carnivores will love. Gluten free, too! |

If you’re a flan fan, you’re going to DIE when you … Read more

{No-Churn} Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream

Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream (No-Churn) 3--120214

‘Tis the season to be jolly!

‘Tis the season for being good commercial consumers, voracious listeners of 24/7 holiday music, and hopeless romantics who watch ABC Family 25 Days of Christmas movie marathons while indulging in a giant bowl of homemade pumpkin spice ice cream.

I’m as crazy about the holiday season as the next person. Yes, mass commercialism sucks balls, but unless you’re absolutely determined to be cynical about hot chocolate and fuzzy feelings and hot chocolate and great holiday classics such as Elf or How the Grinch Stole Christmas–and let’s face it, who can be cynical about … Read more

Coconut Oil White Chocolate + Chocolate Chip Cookies

Coconut Oil White Chocolate + Chocolate Chip Cookies 1--113014

There are two types of people in this world who can afford to wait around for miracles to change their lives.

Immortals, and dead people.

Coconut Oil White Chocolate + Chocolate Chip Cookies 3--113014

I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t spend the better part of my many daydreams sighing after a miracle to sweep me off my feet. Usually this miracle saunters up in the guise of a tall, gorgeous man with a charming smile and perfectly manicured fingers sweeping through wind-tossed dark bangs, but sometimes it’s a publishing contract for my new YA novel or–if I’ve been watching one too many interviews of The Hunger Read more

Chocolate Peanut Butter Krispies Oreo Brownies (Vegan) + PB&Co. Giveaway

Chocolate Peanut Butter Krispies Brownies 2--112114

Fact: Everyone else’s life looks cooler than yours.

Did you just get a promotion at your accounting firm? Congratulations! Your former classmate just got bumped up to CEO of a high-profile tech company that makes life-saving microchip nanobots.

Also, that dorky kid whom you all made fun of in high school is now happily married with a newborn on the way and wedding pictures that make you want to drown your face in your toilet bowl. Meanwhile you are blasting Hunter Hayes’ “Everybody’s Got Somebody But Me” on repeat and devouring a tub of cookie dough ice cream like your … Read more

Creamy Gochujang Peanut Pasta Salad for #SundaySupper

Creamy Gochujang Peanut Pasta Salad 2--112314

It feels slightly perverse to be back posting about delicious food and rich baked foods after watching the latest installment of The Hunger Games. We nipped over to a fancy shmancy theater last night to watch it–I actually dressed up as Peeta the baker, using a HIGHLY suspect grimy white apron I tripped over on the sidewalk on my way to buy a white apron from Target (don’t worry, I disinfected it in scalding water!)–and so obviously I come home and have food on the mind. As one would.

I take my cues only from the best: ahem, like … Read more