One-Bowl Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

One-Bowl Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies 2--012615

 This weekend I did nothing. Nothing except go to my first women’s basketball (and Harry Potter themed?!!!) game, drop in with a friend to a grad housing social filled with free veggie rice bowls + orange soda, swim at a club meet, have an epic girls’ night sleepover watching Dirty Dancing (first time!!) + Grease10 Things I Hate About You, annnnd eat dim sum. Also known as dim yum. Also known as say whattttt.

I might have graded a few papers here and there, and done a lesson plan along the way. I dunno, it’s pretty hard … Read more

Friday Wallflavourites: Edition 21

It’s a brand new year with brand new obsessions: ice cream, cookie butter, granola…I’m sorry, did I say new? I meant AWESOME.

This Overnight Brioche Cookie Butter & Chocolate Chip French Toast via A Cookie Name Desire is THE way to start a day. Seriously, though. I want to eat the screen right up!

A delicious and decadent brioche cookie butter and chocolate chip French toast

I’ve tried loads of Kelly’s granola recipes and they’re all fab, so this Healthy Cranberry Almond Granola Bar recipe via Life Made Sweeter is sure to be a winner, too!

Healthy Almond Cranberry Granola Bars by ---- @LifeMadeSweeter.jpg

And if we’re going to talk brekkie, we might as well delve into uncharted territory with … Read more

Coconut Oil Cranberry Hootycreeks {guest post for Brunch with Joy}

Coconut Oil Cranberry Hootycreeks 1--011215

Linda from Brunch with Joy and I met a few months back through Sunday Supper–she’s one of the loveliest ladies on the planet, and I immediately fell in love with her vibrant blog. Since I began blogging back in 2012, I’ve had the chance to meet so many amazing people like Linda from every nook and cranny of the internet. Today, I’m the lucky gal who’s guest posting on her blog–check it out!

Coconut Oil Cranberry Hootycreeks 4--011215

Coconut Oil Cranberry Hootycreeks 6--011215

In today’s post, I’m sharing a very near-and-dear story about one of my closest friends, M. We met in the unlikeliest of circumstances, separated … Read more

Mickey Mouse Waffles for #SundaySupper

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Raise your hands if you love Disney!!!!

Mickey Mouse Waffles 3--011715

There are few surer ways to my heart than through an enthusiastic conversation about all things Disney. Heck, if Lord Voldemort showed up on my doorstep tomorrow night and told me he wanted to chat about this 3-year old with cancer who–thanks to the Make A Wish Foundation–will now have the chance to visit Disneyland, I would invite him in and ask him whether he wanted his Mickey Mouse waffles served with maple syrup, butter, or both.

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Disneyland is very much an American institution, but it is also a distinctly Californian landmark … Read more

Apple Fritter Blondies

Apple Fritter Blondies 6--011115

I am fairly good about self-control (said nobody, ever), but every once in a while somebody throws something in my path that sets all my cravings on fire like a match to a bucket of propane.

Something that looks very much edible. Usually shaped like an apple fritter.

Apple Fritter Blondies 11--011115

Apple fritter was THE donut of choice in our house growing up. In fact, I did not know there was such a thing as “options” at a donut shop until our eighth grade field trip to Florida, where I downed my first–and second, and third, and maybe a fourth–Krispy Kreme. Up … Read more

Apple Pie Overnight Oats {+ a giveaway!}

Apple Pie Overnight Oats 2--010715

Sometimes I like to talk about food. Other times, I like to talk about deep and meaningful topics relevant to a betterment of the human mind (or something like that).

And then there come the days where I wonder where the heck my Hogwarts letter got to and mope around the kitchen, dragging my finger through every bowl of batter sitting half-heartedly on the counter.

Today was one of those days.

Apple Pie Overnight Oats 4--010715

This morning I woke up from one of my many recurring Harry Potter dreams. Now for most people, this might sound like a really fun dream to have–flying, playing … Read more

Homemade Snickerdoodle Peanut Butter for #SundaySupper

Homemade Snickerdoodle Peanut Butter 2--010215

Last year was the year of the spoon.

I had my spoon in everything and anything delicious that could be spread, dipped, or straight-up eaten. Hummus, jelly, cookie butter, sweetened condensed milk, ice cream, and of course…

Peanut butter. Did I mention that the bottom of my mouth and the sides of my tongue have started swelling a bit when I eat peanut butter too many days in a row now? Because they do. I get the vague feeling (as I sit here with my spoonful of peanut butter hanging out of my mouth) I should be cutting back. Three … Read more

{recap} 14 Life Lessons Learned in 2014

As the Year in Review statuses saturate our Facebook news feeds and we sift through the impossible, mounting pile of recaps about friends who have gotten engaged, friends who have had babies, friends who have traveled the world, friends who spend their youthful years recording themselves at the top of the Eiffel Tower with selfie sticks: as all of these things happen, the question inevitably arises. Has anything really changed for us?

The answer might be a simple one for you to answer, or perhaps it’s really difficult, depending on what has happened in the past calendar year. I … Read more

Creamy Carrot Peanut Soup

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I will always be young at heart, but I’m a stodgy old grandma in stomach.

I should know–I just spent the past week with my grandma and spent every mealtime sitting side by side shoveling the same pile of the mushiest, creamiest, dissolveable-iest edible stuff into our mouths. With matching chopsticks and purple down jackets, I might add. (We’re pretty cute like that.)

A huge part of this uncanny resemblance is that, since I started grad school, I have become a weirdly obsessive “texture person.”

Carrot Peanut Soup 4--122714

I have somehow always labored under the impression that most people outgrow their pickiness about … Read more

Gingerbread Granola {Gluten-Free} for #BobsRedMill

{Congrats to Linda for winning my My Bakers Box giveaway last week! Can’t wait for you to bake up a storm, girl!}

So today I’m actually going to talk about food on my food blog (instead of completely random things like my year in Facebook statuses and goodness in this world). Imagine that.

Gingerbread Granola 2--121914

Exactly zero times a year before I became a food blogger, I ate gingerbread. Zero, zip, zilch.

Watch Harry Potter movies 1-7 five times on ABC Family? You betcha. But toss me the whole lot of holiday favorites–pumpkin pie, peppermint, figgy pudding, fruitcake–and you might as … Read more