Classic Apple Dumplings

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser, Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc. All opinions are my own. #BrighTENtheSeason

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Apple dumplings. Have you tried them? LOVE.

If you’re down for a classic treat that will be a repeat offender at your annual holiday gathering, this is the one. My cousin makes at least two pans every year and it’s always one of the most clamored-over desserts at the table. In addition to being insanely easy to throw together at a moment’s notice, these delicious morsels are the perfect blend of cinnamon, spice, apple & everything nice!

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The Read more

Easy Squash Casserole

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #NaturallyCheesy #CollectiveBias

Need more cheese in your life already? Visit Kraft for more delightfully cheesy recipes!

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Tortilla Chip: I can’t believe how mean you were today on the playground. You know how sensitive I am about my toasty crisp edges!

Cheese: Aww, c’mon–it was just a joke!

Tortilla Chip: I don’t want to taco ’bout it.

Cheese: But we’re friends–

Tortilla Chip: I am nacho friend!!!

(ba bum chiii)

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Have you ever been asked to tell a joke during an interview? After going … Read more

Some HUGE News from the 2015 World Food Championships…

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Guys, hi!

I’m finally back in California, where the weather has dipped into the high 50s at nighttime and the wonderful lack of humidity limits my showers to one a day. I’m exhilarated, exhausted, and trying my darndest not to fall asleep at my desk as I type these words…

But there’s so much news to share that there’s really no good way to ease into it, so I’ll just say it:

Um, guys–I just won the 2015 World Recipe Championship.

Crazy, right???

Let me back up. As most of you know, I was away all of last … Read more

Vegan Coconut Scones

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I have so many updates (I mean, seriously. SO MANY!!!) for you guys from the World Food Championships over here in Kissimmee, Florida, but I can’t get into them now because we’re in the middle of soooo many crazy things and they haven’t quite sunk in as it is. But I’ll be tweeting and IGing pics as much as I can before I write my recap post (er, or posts) in a few days, so if you’re impatient then follow me on social media for the latest and greatest news!

But ermigawd I’m so excitedddddddddd. Also, please … Read more

Fail-Proof Baklava (if I can bake it, so can you)

Greetings from Florida!

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The weather is grubby, the condo is amaze-balls, and the adventures are just beginning over yonder in the Sunshine State. I’m sitting here in this spacious dining room with two suitcases’ worth of kitchenware sprawled over the counters, yet instead of thinking about the World Championships, all I can dream about are Disney World, Harry Potter, and endless days of buffets. Don’t worry, though! I’ve been practicing loads–not with baklava, mind you, which takes over an hour to prepare (though it’s much easier to make than you would think), but with a few special dishes that I’m … Read more

Jack Skellington Oreo Pops

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It is a truth universally acknowledged that I cannot decorate desserts for shiz. On a scale of one to disaster, I am definitely the onset of the apocalypse.

Welcome to How Not to Decorate Your Oreo Pops for Halloween 101…

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For a non-decorator, though, I have to admit that these Oreo pops are pretty damn cute anyway. Sure, they’re not chef-d’ouevres by any stretch of the imagination–but considering that I made this batch at 4 AM within 60 minutes, that’s got to count for something, right?

I made these for an adorable Halloween party that my friends over in the … Read more

Vegan Chocolate Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting for #OXOGoodCookies

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It’s that time of year again. OXO Cookies is supporting Cookies for Kids’ Cancer, and I get to share the deets with all of you!

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If you haven’t heard about them already, Cookies for Kids’ Cancer is a recognized 501c(3) public charity under the laws of New Jersey. Every year, they host this amazing campaign to donate funds to researching kids’ cancer. (Read: donations are tax deductible and 100% of proceeds raised by Cookies for Kids’ Cancer fund pediatric cancer research.)

So what does that have to do with these Vegan Chocolate Cupcakes I’m sharing here today? I’m so glad … Read more

Vegetarian Tomato Bisque + Veggie Corn Dogs

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #FallWithATwist #CollectiveBias

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Confession time: so by the time I finally got around to photographing these veggie corn dogs and writing this post last week, there was only one left. ONE. Apparently I had eaten all the others without realizing it (okay, I definitely realized where this was going and liked them too much to care), so that’s why there is a single veggie corn dog in these photos…

Growing up, I loved corn dogs. They hold a special place in my heart because … Read more

Cheesecake Brownies with Fudgy Chocolate Ganache

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Somehow the gods of time have managed to speed us straight through October. In less than two weeks, I’ll be flying to Florida to compete in the World Food Championships–and you know it’s official because my completely un-glam face and bio have somehow been plastered on their website.

Watch out, WFC: your competition is about to get a whole lot derpier.

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As folks around me can attest, I have been baking a LOT lately. My friends, who have graciously volunteered to be guinea pigs help me taste-test my recipes over the past few weeks, are keeping me on … Read more

Breakfast Tiramisu Parfait

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #FoundMyDelight #CollectiveBias

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Fun fact #1: I love mocha.

Fun fact #2: I can’t have coffee.

What a way to start a story, huh?

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Once in a blue moon, I’ll drink mocha. That rich, sweet, milky, strong taste is a balm to my soul (no black coffee or espresso shots here!) and it’s also a literal headache–yes, apparently my migraines hate the caffeine.

Sometimes, when I go for long periods without coffee in my life, I’ll strategically position myself at the coffeehouse so that … Read more