LWOM stands for “Lit, Wit, and an Oven Mitt.” As I experiment with my own writing and blogging, I’ve decided to cook up this new feature as a way to tie together my love for literature with my love of the food blog world. Every once in a while (and with increasing frequency!), I use the literary examples set by well-known and beloved writers, and re-envision them to fit the recipes I share here.
You can find everything from Winnie-the-Pooh to Dr. Seuss in this series. Often, I will write in dialogue with a character, and sometimes I’ll harken back to my fanfiction origins and write an entirely different story with the characters and their interactions with new recipes I’m producing. Most of the time, however, I write as my favorite childhood memories and characters come to me–that is, naturally.
It’s one of my favorite projects to date–I hope you enjoy it!
To read all of the entries from the LWOM archive, hop on over here.