LWOM: Extra Fudgy Cheesecake-Topped Brownies and Candied Almonds (A Tale of Two Recipes)

It was the best of climes, it was the worst of climes,

 Extra Fudgy Chunky Cheesecake-Topped Brownies 6 (12.8.12)

Candied Almonds (12.8.12)

it was the age of scrubs, it was the age of dishwashers,

Extra Fudgy Chunky Cheesecake-Topped Brownies (12.8.12)

it was the epoch of eyeballing, it was the epoch of measuring-out-to-the-grain,

Candied Almonds 2 (12.8.12)

it was the season of nuts, it was the season of chocolate,

Extra Fudgy Chunky Cheesecake-Topped Brownies 2 (12.8.12)

it was the spring of ovens, it was the winter of stovetops,

Candied Almonds 4 (12.8.12)

we had the whole tray of brownies and nuts before us, we had no trace of brownies and nuts before us,

Extra Fudgy Chunky Cheesecake-Topped Brownies 3 (12.8.12)

we were all going to put on our brand spanking new stretchy pants, we were all going to fit … Read more

LWOM: Pumpkin Pasties (for a Very Harry Party)

I attended my very first Harry Potter party last night. Ever.

The following edition of Lit, Wit, and an Oven Mitt is brought to you by Pumpkin Pasties, paragon pastry of the Hogwarts Express.

Pumpkin Pasties (a la Harry Potter) 2 (12.1.12)

“For heaven’s sake, Harry, what are you doing?”

Harry ignored her and reached around her for a greenish-blue bottle on the counter, keeping his wand fixed steadily on the cauldron simmering beside him.

“Give it a rest already, Hermione,” Ron said, unwrapping a Chocoball that had appeared from some deep recesses of his robe pocket. “You’ve been at him ever since we came down here. … Read more

Easy Saltine Chocolate Toffee Cookies

It’s 6:42 PM and you’re running late for a potluck. You’ve just spent the past three hours completely absorbed in who-knows-what at your computer (well, you know, but it’s certainly not work-related and you certainly aren’t saying), when you look up with that sinking feeling in your stomach, and realize…

You forgot to make something to bring.

If you’re like me, however, and you get that weird feeling in your tummy, it’s probably because you’re so excited that you get to prepare, bake, and eat these bars within 20 minutes of start time.


These are known within my extended … Read more

White Chocolate Chocolate Swirl Blondies

It’s moments like these that I’m so glad I don’t really tend to share this blog with people who actually, you know, know me.

Ten minutes ago, I had literally nothing to write about.

Okay, not literally–I hate it when people use that word in contexts where it adds absolutely nothing to what you’re trying to say.

For example: “It is literally raining really hard out there.”

As opposed to what–it metaphorically raining really hard?

Or, when using the word “literally” is actually counterproductive, as in:

“Oh, he was literally drop-dead gorgeous.”

Wait…so you dropped dead on the floor? Or … Read more

Chocolate-Dipped Lacy Butter Cookies

Dear readers,

Thank you all first off for all of your wonderful comments about the new “Lit, Wit, and an Oven Mitt” series I’ve been experimenting with during the past week. As all of you are probably only too keenly aware, writing and creating something even marginally distinct in the blog-o-sphere requires you to throw so much of yourself into your work. For those of you who had a chance to read the last two posts, I hope you found them nostalgic and satisfying, and that you’ll share the next installments of this series with your friends; for those of … Read more

LWOM: Kimchi Pancakes, Okonomiyaki (and Other Things Tacky, From Sam-I-Am)

I’m not Sam–but take a look!

Sam-I-am is in this book.

I’m sure you all know how Sam-I-am…

Loves a good dish of green eggs and ham.

But the question to ask,

We must take to task!

It’s not such a crime…

We’ll ask, “Do pancakes buzz?”

(But that doesn’t rhyme!)

(Well now it does.)

Would they

buzz over coffee?

(Try feeding them toffee!)

Or would they

buzz o’er papers?

(If you paired them with capers.)

Do they sound a bit tacky?

(Just like okonomiyaki.)

But what could that mean?

(We hope it’s nothing obscene.)

Are you sure Read more

LWOM: Caramel Apple Pie Bars (from the Perspective of Pooh)

I’d like to do something a bit different today. Today is a Friday, which is different from a Thursday or a Saturday or a birthday or an unbirthday, so of course things would be different to begin with. But today will be a different-in-a-meeting-new-friends-kind-of-way day, which is our favorite kind of day. And I’d like you to meet a friend of mine. You may have heard of him before.

Why don’t you say hello to our friends, Pooh?

“Hello to our friends,” said Pooh.

“Thank you Pooh,” I said.

So this is Pooh. Also known in the 100 Acre Woods Read more

Butter Brickle Frozen Delight

What’s in a name? that which we call a rose, by any other name would smell

Just as sweet.

Call me wallflower girl. Does that sound sweet to you?

It’s always been a source of minor discomfort to me how fast I can turn from the happy locus of attention among a group of friends to a complete, total wallflower in other social situations. Even when I’m ostensibly happily immersed in a large-group conversation, I can just as easily be that awkward person standing between two people who are having a really great discussion.The only things that make it … Read more

Owl Pumpkin Cupcakes with Choco-Orange Frosting

I treated myself two nights ago (i.e. Halloween, night of the dead, sugar-induced-accidents evening) to an indulging, sinful, completely guilty treat.

Sleep. Lots and lots of it.

That’s right—my haunting, harrowing, happy, hooligan-ing Halloween…ended at about 10 PM. I just turned off the lights, pulled on my PJ’s, and hopped into bed. No candy for you, children. This night is mine.

So are these owl cupcakes. Mine, mine, mine. Okay, maybe one yours. But mostly mine.

Aren’t they absolutely adorable? And I promise they won’t regurgitate their dinner in your living room.

Wallflour Power: I just watched “The Perks
Read more

Hawaiian Banana Coconut Streusel Muffins

One of dearest professor’s spouses passed away last night.

I think all of us had a hard time staying focused after hearing the news. I know my mind was full of a whirlwind of thoughts.

What happens when it’s somebody who’s really close to you?

I can’t even begin to imagine. I thank my lucky stars that I can’t, but I can’t. I can’t. Period.

Sometimes those moments creep up on me and everything suddenly stops. Maybe I’m in the middle of scanning Beowulf. Maybe I’m standing in the kitchen half-listening as my mom chatters away at me while … Read more