Cookie Butter PB&J Bars

You know how Mom (or at least the proverbial “mom”) always tells us not to tinker with “well enough” or “tried and true”?

Mom clearly never added cookie butter to her PB&J.

Cookie Butter and Jelly Blondies 1--012713

But I did. Oh, did I ever.

Let’s not leave any room for misconception: I am THE girl when it comes to PB&J fanaticism. If you’ve ever fantasized in class about the Smuckers Uncrustables PB&J sandwiches to the point where you actually start to drool (true story–medieval lit class, junior year), we should talk. If you’ve done the same while pondering over Mr. Darcy or Richard Armitage … Read more

Roasted Pepper Sweet Potato Feta Dip

Before you read this. Yes, before.

Well, okay–maybe after you read. And maybe after you try making this really, really creamy light dip. But right after.

Roasted Pepper and Sweet Potato Feta Dip 2--012413

I want you all to get your flu shot.

Grab your loved ones and get them their flu shots, too.

Roasted Pepper and Sweet Potato Feta Dip 9--012413

If you’ve all been wondering where the hoozers I’ve been for the past 13 days, I’m just going to close my eyes and repeat…

Get. Your. Flu. Shot. PEOPLE. Seriously.

And please, don’t lick the spoon if you’ve got the flu (like I did) and are in the kitchen cooking for more than … Read more

Insanely Fudgy Deconstructed Twix Brownies

Happy Friday! Or, if you’re at my house, Happy Gooey, Rich, Caramel-y, Fudgy Friday…

In honor of this momentous occasion, I have composed an incredibly insightful, original, and profound song for all of you…

Insanely Fudgy Deconstructed Twix Brownies 1--11013

Insanely Fudgy Deconstructed Twix Brownies 2--11013

(Sung to the tune of something vaguely resembling Rebecca Black’s “Friday,” the rights to which I do not own–thank God.)

♪ Oo-ooh-ooh, ooh yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah





Yeah, yeah, yeah

7 AM waking up in the morning

Skipping to the chorus ‘cuz this verse’s boring….

It’s GooeyRichCaramel-yFudgyday,


gotta get brown(-ies) on Friday

Everybody’s looking forward to the

Freakin’ fudgy brownies!

(… Read more

Carrot Cucumber Nut Yogurt Dip (Revved-Up Tzatziki)

Oh, you’ll want to bookmark this one. Trust me.

Carrot Cucumber and Nut Yogurt Dip 2--010713

Don’t believe me? Ask the dishes…

Or you can take my word for it. Because the dishes are empty.


As in dang-that-was-a-finger-lickin’-amazing-tzatziki empty.

Carrot Cucumber and Nut Yogurt Dip 5--010713

You’re welcome.

Don’t worry, your jeans will thank me for this one as well. See this dip? No? Maybe we should get a closer look…

Carrot Cucumber and Nut Yogurt Dip 7--010713


That’s your new year’s resolution in a dish calling out your name. Made with non-fat Greek yogurt, carrots, cucumbers, toasted walnuts, honey, and just a tiny (think miniscule!) smidge of mayo, this dip is for not for your … Read more

About This Blog and the Wallflour Writer, Ala

With a new year under our (rather loosened post-holiday) belts, I’ve decided to finally buckle down (pun shamelessly intended) and begin some serious makeover work on this blog. One of my (many, some reasonable and some less so) resolutions is to give this place the facelift that will make you, dear readers, feel more at home. Wallflour Girl will be 6 months old come February, and with a brand new DSLR camera in hand, I can’t think of a better way to celebrate this food blog than to celebrate you and, more importantly, us!

So let me tell … Read more

LWOM: Berry Oat-fait in a Bowl

In today’s edition of Literary Wit and an Oven Mitt, we’re throwing aside the mitt and going bear paws all the way…and it is a beary, berry long way indeed to All the Way…

Berry Oat-fait in a Bowl 4 (1.5

“What’s a long way?” asked Pooh, who had been poking his nose into a jar of honey to see if there was anything left in it. He recalled that there had been, or at least there had been last Monday, before lunchtime, because his stomach had had that funny feeling in it that meant it was time for a small smackerel, and he had poked his … Read more

Saltine Toffee ‘Crack’-ers: An Ode to a New DSLR!

I have not danced around with such elf-like mirth since they announced the summer 2013 release of Sailor Moon.

Saltine Toffee 'Crack'-ers 7 (12.29

Guess who is the proud new owner of a DSLR camera?

Saltine Toffee 'Crack'-ers 8 (12.29.12)

I’ll give you a hint.

Saltine Toffee 'Crack'-ers 4 (12.29.12)

ME. Me me me me me me me. Did I mention me?

Saltine Toffee 'Crack'-ers 5 (12.29.12)

That’s right, folks–in the shameless spirit of commercialism, selfishness, and dragon-like hoarding, I have graciously received a shiny new DSLR camera for Christmas.

Jigs may or may not have been performed under my Christmas tree this holiday season.

Saltine Toffee 'Crack'-ers 6 (12.29.12)

Did I mention the fact that I also received a Playstation 3 AND the Disney … Read more

7 Days Until Christmas: Orange Cheesecake Gingerbread Blondies

Playful, chilly winds nip our ears and prick our exposed noses. Straggling students wrap scarves around their heads in the fashion of ancient, entombed Egyptians. And as the days dwindle into the single digits, you can almost hear the wintertime choirs burst out into song and chime…

Seven days until Christmas!

That, my friends, is the stocking that’s Santa’s going to fill with lots of nice goodies for a very nice girl this year (a.k.a. yours truly):

Zesty Orange Cheesecake Gingerbread Blondies 5 (12.17.12)

Wait…seven days?! That’s exactly one week!

In honor of this momentous occasion, which occurs once every 364 1/4 days in a year–something it … Read more

National Blogging Day of Remembrance


I, like so many of you wonderful bloggers and readers, am joining in on a day of silence in remembrance of the recent tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary. I will be spending time tomorrow with some of my closest friends and dear ones, to appreciate and cherish them. I hope you will do the same.

My most recent posts will resume tomorrow.

Until then, and yours in solidarity,



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Pumpkin Pound Cake Truffles with Gingerbread Cookie Crumbs

I love the holiday season for many, many reasons. I’m sure you do, too.

Pumpkin Pound Cake Truffles with Gingerbread Cookie Crumbs 5 (12.14.12)

Holding a very special place at the top of this list is the fact that, as soon as Thanksgiving ends, I get to cram my Santa elf-ear hat on my head, flip on the Christmas song station, and belt out the following line without the slightest trace of irony whatsoever:

“Your soul is an appalling dump heap, overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable, mangled up in tangled up knots.”

Except “knots” sounds more like “naaaaAAAAAaaaahhhwtzzz,” and Thurl Ravenscroft sounds about a bajillion … Read more