Lemon Curd Raspberry Crumb Bars for #SundaySupper

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You’d think that with summer vacation finally here and in full swing, I’d find more time to do summery things like frolic through lush fields of berries or buy fresh produce every week from the farmer’s market down the street from us. Instead, in the 4 weeks that have elapsed since my last academic conference, I have done goodness-knows-what with my time: running all of the annoying errands I never bothered to do during the school year, catching up here on the blog, and trying to earn a few extra bucks here and there when I can.

I never understood … Read more

One Tea-rrific Dad

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MeAndMyTea #CollectiveBias

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One of the really cool things about being a blogger is getting to press the Pause button from time to time and write one of those meaningful life reflection posts that have nothing to do with sharing new recipes, posting BBQ photos, or looking gorgeous in the dappled forest sunlight. These posts help me slow down and do some of that major appreciation work that really needs to be done more often around here.

As you’ve probably guessed, today’s appreciation post … Read more

Grilled Vegetable & Veggie Burger Naan-wich

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #GrillWithATwist #CollectiveBias

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It’s summer! It’s hot! It’s grill time! It’s summer! It’s hot! It’s grill time! It’s summer! It’s…time for a summer-spired story ♪

As a vegetarian, I never used to be a big fan of grilling. Most of my friends never quite know what to do with me when it comes to the good ol’ summer BBQ: “You’re vegetarian,” they’d say, “but is sausage okay?” or “I know you don’t eat meat, but does fish count?”

These are legitimate questions, since there … Read more

Clean Juicing with Green Works!

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #NaturallyClean #CollectiveBias

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Presidential nominations aren’t the only things getting dirty around here lately (helloooo, Donald Trump! and goodbye, please). If we could all just forget the political circus act for a second and focus on real, hard news, we’d all realize pretty quickly what I’m talking about: yes, it’s the big Mess with a capital M sitting in your kitchen right. Now. 

Okay, so maybe I’m projecting a little bit here. When I’m home for the holidays, my mom is always … Read more

Checkered Red & Blue Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

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Happy July 4th weekend to my folks in the States! For those of you who aren’t: howdy, and I hope you’re all enjoying the sudden onslaught of all things Red, White, and Blue that’s slamming your feed this week <3 guilty as charged.

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Growing up, I was never a huge fan of July 4th. As a non-meat-eating A/C comfort kind of gal, I just couldn’t see the appeal of a holiday where a) grilled meat popped up EVERYWHERE you turned, b) any and all outdoor activities promised to end in sticky, stinky sweat-bomb baths, and c) national levels of machismo … Read more

Friday Wallflavourites: Edition 28

A quick but BIG thank you to everyone who offered advice, wisdom, and lots of reassurance in response to my last post. You guys are seriously awe-mazing!!! Time to pay it forward by sharing even more link love today…let’s go!

I am such a sucker for breakfast. Okay, I’m a sucker for all meals, really (hobbitses much?), but these Peach Cobbler Pancakes via Life Made Sweeter have convinced me that I want breakfast to last all day longgggggg! Boo-yeah.

Peach Cobbler Pancakes - fluffy pancakes filled with juicy peaches topped with a warm spiced streusel is like having a delicious peach cobbler for breakfast-10

Sometimes my friends will ask me if I “miss eating meat,” to which I will now forevermore reply with … Read more

Extra Easy Hummus

The following post has nothing to do with hummus, and it certainly isn’t “extra easy” for me to talk about. I’ll share the recipe for this hummus at the bottom of the post, as usual, so feel free to skip the rest and scroll down if you’re looking for it. If, however, you read on and have any insight to share, please do. Writing from a dark place, I could use the perspective right now.

(Edit: I am SO sorry about the timing of this post. I was writing it from a musty hotel room over the weekend and it … Read more

post-exam life: a rosy smorgasbord of updates!

tape in hair extenstions

(Warning: crappy phone-quality photos ahead! Updates in raw stream-of-consciousness.)


So in my last post, I promised to tell you all about the pre-exam procrastination and post-exam celebrations that have been happening since last Monday, when I was duly locked in a room with my dissertation committee to talk about a document that honestly needs to be reappropriated as kindling. I was so drained from writing that all I wanted to do once I finished was flop down on my couch and watch an entire lifetime’s worth of Gilmore Girls on Netflix while devouring a family-size pack of cookies ‘n … Read more

Graham Cracker Crumb Cheesecake Bars with Golden Oreos: a recipe/post from your newest PhD candidate! (eep!)

Graham Cracker Crumb Cheesecake Bars with Golden Oreos 2--060815

If it’s felt quiet around here lately, you’re completely right. But guys. Guys.

Guess who’s penning this post as a newly baptized English PhD candidate? (eeks!) Excuse me while I bust-a-move around the room a la old-school 90s arcade game.

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Graham Cracker Crumb Cheesecake Bars with Golden Oreos 6--060815

So for those of you who are just like, Ala you big nut what are you even talking about we have no idea please speak English okay, I have basically spent the past few months working furiously toward writing a dissertation proposal (called a “prospectus”) that I finally discussed with my entire exam committee on Monday. For a little shy … Read more

Friday Wallflavourites: Edition 27

Have you read my latest post on the Difficulty of Self-Love? Totally stop by and leave a comment if you haven’t–I’d love to hear your thoughts! We’ve definitely been long overdue for some Friday Wallflavourites–…so let’s get crackin’, shall we?

I think I may actually have passed out when I saw this Slutty Brownie Cookie Cake via Erica’s Sweet Tooth last week. If you’ve ever tried a slutty brownie, you’ll know that this is going to be EPIC. Saving the big guns for our next big occasion (like idk, I’d probably get married just so I can have this … Read more